Living Inside program

A Response to Burn-Out Spring – winter 2021 LIVING INSIDE PROGRAM The LIVING INSIDE program has been specifically created to be a real background aid in the treatment of burn-out. The exercises are simple and effective, easy to apply and are a valuable...

Digital Mind program

RECONNECT & INNOVATE A New Program Soon! DIGITAL MIND Logic was the tool of the Cartesian world for post-war development in companies. The advent of the digital age has changed the situation: nothing develops logically anymore, but more and more organically. The...

Excellent Mind Program

HELPING LEADERS ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN DIFFICULT TIMES EXCELLENT MIND The EXCELLENT MIND program allows the deepening of Ways & Lore’s FOCUS techniques in order to accompany Leaders on the path to Excellence. The concentration techniques employed help to...

Transformational Mind program

Next dates: 10, 11 May 2021 and 13, 14 September 2021, Paris, France EXCELLENT MIND The TRANSFORMATIONAL MIND program allows the deepening of Ways & Lore’s FOCUS techniques in order to anticipate and accompany change, mutation, in a creative, positive and...

Management in companies: a necessary evolution 2/2

Management in companies: a necessary evolution 2/2 Written by Laurence And Laurent January 3, 2017 (first published) - February 22, 2021 What changes in management may occur in the next 5 years? Jim Collins, an American leadership consultant, and his research team at...