Intuition as a driver of leadership

Written by Laurent
Logic vs. Intuition or Logical Intuition?
Logic was the tool of the Cartesian world for post-war corporate development, following the cultural rationality of the Enlightenment. The appearance of the digital age, some people say it was founded in 2002, changed the situation: nothing develops logically anymore, but more and more biologically. The tool of knowledge of this age becomes intuition, that is to say, direct, immediate knowledge of phenomena and their evolution.
“Intuition gives the global vision of a situation when the intellect allows us to reconstruct its path” says Tristan Farabet, former CEO of Coca-Cola Entreprise France and today CEO of the Pochet group. However, if intuition is the tool of knowledge, logic remains the tool of expression. It is the latter that will allow to structure and express the dazzling knowledge of the former. Thus, it is not a question of opposing these two qualities of the mind, but rather of finding a sensible order in this new age of humanity. The idea of the logical/intuitive opposition belongs to an outdated way of approaching the question. This is no longer the case today. An era has opened up: that of logical intuition.
Intuition: perfect parity!
Thanks to the discoveries of the neurosciences, and contrary to a widespread idea, we know that intuition is the parity tool par excellence, because it is the equal prerogative of both sexes. A well-known study by Professor Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire in England, was able to determine an almost identical success rate when a panel of women and men were asked to determine a real smile from a fake on photos. The results: 72% correct answers for men and… 71% for women.
Can we conclude from this that intuition would be a formidable instrument of parity in the years to come? Why not, but this requires an obvious cultural evolution in parallel. An era has opened up: that of logical intuition.
Direct knowledge (intuition): the tool of reaction speed
According to studies conducted by Princeton professor Alex Todorov, it would take only 165 milliseconds for the brain to accurately assess a person’s competence, reliability and empathy in front of them. It would take 39 milliseconds to know if an individual is a threat to oneself. A few seconds to assess an individual’s personality (optimistic/pessimistic for example) just by looking at where they work. The whole thing, and this is what is at stake at the moment, is to trust an understanding that is devoid of thought…

Intuition as instantaneous knowledge. The practice of Focus as knowledge of intuition
Among the types of intuition noted by Professors Christophe Haag and Jean-François Coget, two are essential for leadership in the digital age. The first is the “expertise” intuition, which is the mastery of a body of knowledge specific to a task and which an individual acquires through repeated, studied and corrected practice. A single glance is then enough to judge a situation in expertise mode. The second is the “personal memory” intuition and concerns situations that are rarely or never encountered. What then comes into action is our ability to gather vivid memories linked to emotions. When we are confronted with a situation that our brain considers similar on certain points, it automatically reactivates a personal emotional experience. Faced with new professional situations, we can reactivate buried personal experiences that will quickly and fundamentally help in decision making. We cannot direct this intuition, but we can train ourselves to trust it and exploit its formidable capacities. The practice of Focus is the ideal tool for this. It allows us to study the process of intuition directly, like all human processes, and therefore allows us to adapt to this functioning and to reproduce it at will with training.
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